Saturday, August 21, 2010


I have been searching out a lot of blogs that will give me ideas about things I could really do to help organize my home.  I have a lot of really excellent ideas, now all I need is the money to buy the pieces I need. I am going to try to re-purpose a lot of things I already have. I am also going to work on decluttering our home. We have so much extra stuff, we have to get rid of a lot of it! I have started on my daily chores, but haven't gotten past the dishwasher. I will keep you posted on my organizational journey.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Teeth

I have been having problems with my teeth lately. I finally broke down and went to the dentist. I have to get 5 fillings and get my wisdom teeth pulled. My very first visit they pulled one infected wisdom tooth and filled a tooth with a bad cavity. Today I had my second visit. They pulled another tooth and filled the rest of the cavities. I was supposed to get all three teeth pulled, but I got sick. :( So, I go back next Wednesday to get the rest pulled. I guess, if nothing else, it is a good diet plan! Sore mouth means less food!
The cleaning I did this weekend has worn off, but Tim is motivated to help me I think. I have found some ideas online on how to get started. I am hoping anyone who reads my blog will help keep me motivated as well. I start back to school next week, so I feel like I have to get my ducks in a row by then.
On the genealogy front, I signed up for an online class through It is the beginning of Sept. I am really excited to learn more about finding my past, as well as Tim's. I hope to have an awesome family history to pass on to my children one day.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Big News!

I was actually productive yesterday and today! I have the living room and kitchen cleaned, swept and vacuumed. Today I am working on laundry, and the kids rooms. And then Monday I am going to work on Tim and I's room. I am trying to reduce the chaos in my home which will hopefully reduce the chaos in mine and CT's minds.
On the big news front, I have also lost 5 pounds! WOOT!
Little Bit starts school Wednesday, CT starts the next Monday and I start that Thursday. JT will be in the 1 year old room at his day care. That makes me a little sad. He is getting so big!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Seriously, I will get better at this.

I have every intention of blogging on a weekly basis, however I can always find a reason not to. I hate having people read what I write. I am afraid of people judging my writing ability, which is not all that great. However, I need to get over that fear and just get my feelings put down. Its not like anyone reads this anyway. And if you are reading it, I'm so sorry!
I want to start incorporating my family history search into my blog as well as my attempts to become a better wife, mother and woman. I am attempting to implement a lot of new ideas and practices into my life. I am starting with attending church this Sunday with my dear friend Connie and her 4 kids, fiance, step-daughter and step-granddaughter. Along with me and my three kids, this should be quite the adventure! However, this will feed my mind and my soul and hopefully help me to get into a better frame of mind to become the wife and mother I am meant to be. I will keep ya'll posted on my journey. Any helpful hints and tidbits are greatly appreciated.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Feeling like a cow...

A milk cow, not the fat kind. Although, that too. I am sitting here, pumping, because now that I started to wean Jayce, he now longer wants to nurse unless it is 3 am. I am trying to get my game face on and be able to get my homework and housework done and still spend time with the kids. However, by the time I get homework and/or housework done, there is no time to be spent with the kids. If I take the time to spend quality time with the kids, then I cannot get my homework or housework done. And now I feel like I am wasting my time pumping when I should be doing homework or emptying the dishwasher. I have not figured out how to balance this life I have chosen.